Knee and leg splints

Resting splints for knee following injuries and surgery

The splint is delivered in a prefabricated form with the most frequently used angle. If necessary, open the lateral fixation plates, set the required angle, and fix it again by closing them.

Put the leg with the plantar side into the prefabricated splint.

For the best weight distribution, recline the knee onto a cushion in a slightly crooked position. Adjust the splint carefully to the leg, knee and ankle, and fasten it with the bandages.

Measurement Length of the Splint Part Number
XXXS (Children small) 36 cm 761 119 104
XXS (Children large) 43 cm 762 119 104
XS (Extra small) 50 cm 763 119 104
S (Small) 56 cm 764 119 104
M (Medium) 67 cm 766 119 104
L (Large) 76 cm 768 119 104
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